Geonik's Expression

by George Nicolaidis


The Expression is the result of weird idea I had while doing the PrimiFun. The concept is to apply a low-pass filter the input whose cut-off frequency varies with its volume. The implementation of the Expression effect is based on a RMS volume detector, the resonating filter itself   and a saturator that limits the output amplitude. An extra parameter, Inertia, is added to the algorithm to create smother filter ramps.

What's new

Release 1 Initial release
Release 2 Bugs fixed


P a r a m e t e r s

Drive This parameter is the pre-amplification of the input before being processed. Low values will prevent the filter from reaching its maximum cut-off frequency (as specified by the Filter Envelope parameter) while high values will make the saturator distort the sound
Filter Envelope Specifies the maximum cut-off frequency for the filter
Resonance Resonance plays a key role in Expression's sound. Be careful with extreme values (near 100%)
Inertia The time that the filter needs to adapt when input volume changes. Use small values for drumming sounds and high values for strings / continuous sounds


I couldn't come up with a better name for this effect :)

Contact Information

Author George Nicolaidis